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What things should pregnant mothers do to be healthy?

What things should pregnant mothers do to be healthy?

The very feeling of growing a little human inside your belly is awe-inspiring and overwhelming. The adventure of caring for a child often begins long before the child is born. To ensure that the baby gets all the nutrients and is born healthy, mothers become watchful of what they eat, their daily routines, and other similar aspects. Besides avoiding smoking and drinking, there are many other things to do to keep healthy during this phase.

In this guide, we will share pregnancy self-care tips that are a must-know!

Things Pregnant Mothers Should Keep in Mind

Pregnant women need to take utmost care of themselves. So, we have listed some essential points to consider and follow:

Eat Well

Eating well means having a healthy balanced diet which should include all the essential nutrients to stay fit. Make sure to have a good portion of fruits and vegetables every day. You can consider having fruit fresh, frozen, dried, or in the form of juice but make sure there is no added sugar syrup. 

To get your carbohydrates, eat quinoa, potatoes, rice, millet and so on which are highly nutritious and healthy for the baby. Include fish, meat, eggs, and beans to complete the protein intake count as maternal health is essential for the baby’s development. Lastly, do not miss out on hydration during pregnancy.

Take Care of Your Hygiene

During these important days, pregnant mothers’ habits should include taking proper care of their food hygiene. Wash utensils, chopping boards, and your hands after handling raw meat. Keep them away from ready-to-eat food. You should also be careful when eating spicy food as it can cause heartburn and upset your stomach. 

Moreover, avoid consuming raw or undercooked meat or raw shellfish as it can cause food poisoning. Listeriosis and harbor bacteria can cause serious effects on your and your baby’s health.

Exercise Daily

It is highly advisable for pregnant mothers to take exercise seriously. Staying active helps in relaxing, improves blood circulation, and uplifts mood. The best thing is that it improves your sleep quality. Thus, pregnant mothers’ wellness depends highly on their daily activities

You can walk for at least 15 to 20 minutes, practice pilates, join a yoga, or swimming class. However, it is always advised to talk to your doctor before performing such activities. Don’t push yourself too much and overdo it. Be gentle with yourself.

Take Supplements

Vitamin D and folic acid are two essential supplements that should be taken by conceived women

Note that it is essential even if you are having a balanced and healthy diet. Taking folic acid is advised when planning for a baby and for the first three months of pregnancy. It protects your child from developing a neural tube defect. The dosage for the medicine needs to be consulted with a doctor.

It is advised that expectant mothers take vitamin D supplements during their pregnancy since it supports the development of the fetus’s bones, teeth, kidneys, heart, and nervous system. You can also take additional supplements, but only after consulting with your physician.

Complete Adequate Sleeping Hours

During pregnancy, as much as movement is essential, resting is equally important. The tenure of sleep for pregnant mothers should be at least eight hours. Go to bed early and take naps during the day to rest well and not feel tired. 

People with difficult pregnancies can face pregnancy dreams, insomnia, aches and take several trips to the bathroom. In such cases, you are advised to contact your doctor for help.

Summing Up

Now that you know what are the things you need to do, we hope your journey will be a bit easier. The main focus is to stay calm and happy during this phase. You can achieve it by following some prenatal care tips.

We wish you a healthy and safe pregnancy!